Josef Salvat - melf
네.. 저 드라마 영상에 입혀진 노래로 접한 곡 하나 더 추가ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저 채널도 잘 보고듣는 중에 저게 올라와서 망설임 없이 눌러 보고 들었네. 좋은 곡이야. 암요.
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
I'm not ready
I'm not ready for you to go
I've turned myself to liquid
So you can drink me into you
I could give life to your body
I could give your skin its glow
I could give life to your cells
I could do what you do
I could go wherever you go
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
I'd like to see the world this way
I'd like to know how do you feel pain?
I'd like to never miss a beat
I'd like our pleasure to be the same
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
The bombs went off, the aftershock
How long can you make an hour last?
It's the rapture and the terror
at the same time
It's lilac wine that's bitter in my mouth
It's the rapture and the terror
at the same time
At the same time
At the same time
So melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
Melt me down and pour me into you
Melt me down and pour me into you
Melt me down
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you (Melt me down)
Melt, melt me down
and pour me into you
melt / Josef Salvat - genie
AI기반 감성 음악 추천